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  • Elizabeth Hunter
    Karen was a joy to work with for my new book! Her enthusiasm, vision, and flexibility ensured that I’ll be coming back to Arcane Covers in the future.
    Elizabeth Hunter,  USA Today  Bestselling Author
  • Harper A Brooks
    I fell in love with one of Karen's premade covers during an event and loved it so much, we made it into an epic trilogy, one I'm excited to release. Karen is so easy to talk to and very talented. She'll make your amazing story the cover it deserves.
    Harper A Brooks,  USA Today  Bestselling Author
  • Anthea Sharp
    Karen Dimmick is professional and a great communicator. Working on my two new covers with her was a joy, and I'm happy with the results. She even went the extra mile to hand craft a fabulous graphic swash for my title, giving the typography that special something!
    Anthea Sharp,  USA Today  Bestselling Author
  • Kevin McLaughlin
    Karen was a pleasure to work with and delivered a cover that was even better than I’d imagined. I will definitely work with her again and strongly recommend her to other authors!
    Kevin McLaughlin,  USA Today  Bestselling Author
  • Eve Newton
    This is the first time I’ve worked with Karen and she was fantastic. The turnaround on my premade titling was really quick and she was a doll when I needed to change the subtitle after the final copy was sent to me. Will definitely work with Karen again.

    Eve Newton,  USA Today  Bestselling Author
  • author Troy Osgood
    Karen was a joy to work with. Quick to respond to questions and changes and open to suggestions. Will use again.
    Troy Osgood
  • Jason Nugent
    Karen was the absolute best! Super responsive and fast, I highly recommend Arcane Covers. I've gotten a ton of compliments on their work and I'm proud to say where I got it. Give them a shot!
    Jason J Nugent,  USA Today  Bestselling Author
Arcane Covers Logo
Hi! My name is Karen Dimmick.
I've loved fantasy and magic for as long as I can remember & have been in the publishing industry for nearly a decade.
I know how important is it for a book to look its best, and for potential readers to be able to tell at a glance it's a book they'll enjoy. Without that, even great stories go unread.
As you'll see from my testimonials, my clients love working with me because I'm easy to work with, communicate well and deliver on time, like you'd expect any professional to do.
Born in England, I now live in Florida, USA with my husband. I've traveled the world, living in Europe and Asia. I've had my own bestselling non-fiction book, as well as fiction books, so I've seen both sides of the cover design process.
I believe authors should be able to give their books every possible chance to succeed, with a cover that attracts readers and meets the reader's expectations for the genre.
That's why I created Arcane Covers - to help you make your book shine.
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