
Frequently Asked Questions

Do you use commercially licensed images?

Absolutely! I buy the photo stock I use from DepositPhotos and I also make my own 3D renders. All the images (and fonts) I use will have a minimum of a standard commercial license allowing them to be used for your book cover.

When you buy a cover from Arcane Covers, I also provide you with a Word doc that includes the details of all the images and fonts I used so you can double check the licenses, or if you want to get into merchandising, you know where to go to buy the additional extended licenses

How much do the other formats cost?

Please see the prices page for the details of all of my prices, as well as what other services I offer, like marketing images and character cards.

Can I get an eBook cover now and come back later for the paperbook or audiobook?

Definitely! I hold all of my files for a minimum of 4 years. Just let me know when you're ready and I'll fit you into the schedule for the extra format(s).

What genre covers do you do?
I work in fantasy and paranormal, with all their sub-genres: I don't do Horror, Thrillers, Children's Books, Historical Romance or Nonfiction. If you're unsure, please ask, and I'll let you know.
How can I get on your custom schedule?

Just contact me from the Custom Covers page and tell me what formats you want up front, your genre and how many characters you want on the cover.

If it's a genre I work in, I'll email you back with my custom questionnaire.

You can then reserve your spot in my schedule for a $50 non-refundable booking fee that is credited toward your 50% deposit.

What if I need a cover yesterday? Is there a "Rush" option?

If I have space, there is. Please ask. If someone has paid to reserve a specific date I cannot change my schedule. However, in all other instances, for an additional $150, I will make your project my #1 priority and you'll get your cover within one week (provided you quickly respond to my requests for feedback).

How much does a custom cover cost?

It depends on what you want on it and how many formats you want...

Essentially my custom covers start at a base price for the eBook version with a single character. After that, each additional character is an set amount extra. Please see the prices page for the details of all of my prices, including the prices for the other formats, and marketing / branding images.

What is your payment structure?

For a premade cover: You have to pay 100% of the cost up front. I will only customize the text for you after payment has been received.

For a custom cover: If the start date isn't immediate, I'll send you an invoice for a non-refundable $50 booking fee. As soon as I'm ready to begin your project, I'll send you an invoice for a 50% deposit (minus any booking fee). Once that is paid I'll begin your project. As soon as the project is complete, I'll send you an invoice for the remaining 50%, and once that is paid I'll send you the final files.

For the other formats: I'll send you an invoice for the full amount up front and begin work once you've paid.

How many revisions do I get?

For premades: You only get the changes on the text included. If you want other changes after that, the project can be converted into an hourly-custom at $60/hr for changes, with a minimum of $25.

For customs: You get 4 rounds of revisions. I do aim for client satisfaction and as you can see in my testimonials, I do check in with you along the way to ensure you like the direction your cover is going in. I've yet to have a project need more revisions than that, just make sure to give me feedback when I ask and I'll do my best to give you your dream cover.

What rights / copyrights will I have?

Since my covers are largely photo-manipulations and 3D renders, the copyrights will be held by the original artists for the individual images that go into your cover, as well as by me for the overall design. You will have a perpetual license to use the design (and images within in) for your book cover, for the formats you purchased.

If you want to get into merchandising, you'll need to purchase extended licenses for some or all of the images contained within your cover (the Word doc with the license details for your specific project in will tell you exactly which ones). The overall design itself and possibly some of the images contained within your cover will already allow for merchandising, but it will differ cover by cover.

You will NOT have the rights / license to:

  • Put the design into other formats yourself / via another designer.
  • Alter the design in any way, including the text, yourself / via another designer.
  • Resell your design to another author without written permission from me.

For the full details please see the terms and conditions you will be agreeing to by purchasing.

Do you re-sell your premade covers?

No. Once a premade is sold, that's it. Each design will only ever be sold once. I will change the text to your author name, title, series and any other information once you've paid for the cover.

I keep missing out on buying your premades. Is there a way to reserve one?

My premades are usually on a first come first served basis. My email list is given the first look at a new premade, usually the day before it is available for sale. When I post it on the site, the email with the link to the purchase button is sent first to my email list, then ten minutes later it is put up for sale on my Facebook group. So, if you haven't yet joined the email list, that would be the best way to get in early on an upcoming premade.

The only other way I sell premades is via the occasional auction on other Facebook groups when they host specific events, or in the discord servers I'm a member of.

If you're struggling to buy a premade, you can either opt for the custom route, or alternatively feel free to pitch me an idea for a premade. I do occasionally do custom premades. If an idea is really inspiring and I think it will sell well as a premade, I'll give you the first right of refusal, usually the day before it goes live.

Series continuations, however, will always be custom projects.

Do I have to credit you in my book?

Yes, please see my terms and conditions for full details. Please credit "Cover design by Karen Dimmick / ArcaneCovers.com".

What is your refund / cancellation policy?

For premades there are obviously no refunds.

For custom projects:

  • If the project was for a future spot in my calendar, the $50 non-refundable booking fee is non-refundable. If this was to be your first project with me, unless the reason for the cancellation is an absolute emergency (and you don't simply want to move the date to after the emergency), you will not be able to book a place in my calendar again.
  • If I've already begun work on the project and we are at the mock up stage, I will offer a partial refund based on the work already completed and any photo / 3D stock / 3D asset I've had to purchase specifically for your project.
  • Once you've agreed to the mock up or other requests for feedback along the way, or the project is already finished, there are no refunds.
Arcane Covers Logo
Hi! My name is Karen Dimmick.
I've loved fantasy and magic for as long as I can remember & have been in the publishing industry for nearly a decade.
I know how important is it for a book to look its best, and for potential readers to be able to tell at a glance it's a book they'll enjoy. Without that, even great stories go unread.
As you'll see from my testimonials, my clients love working with me because I'm easy to work with, communicate well and deliver on time, like you'd expect any professional to do.
Born in England, I now live in Florida, USA with my husband. I've traveled the world, living in Europe and Asia. I've had my own bestselling non-fiction book, as well as fiction books, so I've seen both sides of the cover design process.
I believe authors should be able to give their books every possible chance to succeed, with a cover that attracts readers and meets the reader's expectations for the genre.
That's why I created Arcane Covers - to help you make your book shine.
Copyright © 2020-2023 • Arcane Covers LLC • All Rights Reserved